Renewing Your Mind

Renewing Your Mind: Embracing the Beauty of God's Works

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Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Have you ever had one of those days where you indulged in all the wrong things? You know, the kind of day when you couldn't resist the allure of candy, fried foods, heavy meals, or sugary treats. In moderation, these indulgences are alright, but when we overindulge, they wreak havoc on our stomachs. It's remarkable how what we put into our bodies can have such a profound impact on our well-being.

But let me tell you something: just like our stomachs, our minds are equally susceptible to the influence of what we consume. Sometimes, in the chaos of our daily lives, we become so preoccupied with worrying and fretting about our problems that we forget to focus on the Lord and His marvelous works. The demands of our jobs and family responsibilities occupy so much space in our minds that God often gets squeezed out.

If you find yourself going through hard times, take a moment to reflect on better days. Remember how God carried you through previous struggles and how faithfully He stood by the saints of old. And let's not forget to appreciate the wonder of today, for it is filled with blessings waiting to be discovered.

Remembering God's Goodness and Works

Now, let's take it a step further than just remembering God's goodness and marvelous works. Let's talk about them. I know this may be challenging for many of us, me included. When we encounter problems, it's easy to find someone to complain to. We can spend hours venting about our woes, from the noisy neighbors to the issues at work or the perceived shortcomings of our spouses. But instead, let's make an effort to share the goodness of God with others.

The Scriptures are brimming with accounts of God's wonderful works. Every time I read about His faithfulness to Abraham, I am filled with excitement and awe. I often ponder how He orchestrated events to fulfill His promises. Truly, God is amazing. His word should permeate our lives to such an extent that it not only transforms us but also impacts those around us.

Embrace the Renewing of your Mind

Let's make it a habit to let the word of God permeate our lives so much that it transforms our minds and hearts. As it says in Romans 12:2, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Let us also follow the example of Psalm 77:12 and reflect on all of God's works and activities. Let us remember to be cautious about what we allow into our minds and hearts, and to always attempt to focus on the good and positive aspects of life. We may overcome any challenge with God's help and direction and live a life full of hope, joy, and peace.

I encourage you to embrace the renewing of your mind. Delve into the wonders of God's works and share them with others. Let the goodness of the Lord fill your thoughts and transform your perspective. As you do, you will experience the beauty of a mind renewed by His truth, and the world around you will witness the profound impact of a life transformed by His love.


Philippians 4:8, Psalm 19:14, ROMANS 12:2, Psalm 143:5,


1. What is the analogy made between unhealthy foods and what we listen to or allow into our minds?
2. Why is it important to remember the goodness of God when going through hard times?
3. What is one way we can talk about the goodness of God in our lives?
4. What can we do to make sure the word of God permeates our lives and transforms our minds and hearts?
5. What is the Bible full of that can be a powerful reminder of God's goodness?
6. What does it mean to be transformed by the renewing of your mind?
7. What should we focus on in life, according to the response?

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