Good News Like Cold Water: Experiencing the Refreshing Gospel of Jesus Christ

Proverbs 25:25
"As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."

One summer day, while working outside in the heat, I became overwhelmed by fatigue. My hair and shirt were soaked from perspiration, and my mouth was so dry that my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I hadn’t realized how much I had overdone it until my body screamed for water. Thirst is a powerful reminder of how essential it is to replenish our bodies.

When I came across Proverbs 25:25, it instantly resonated with me. Just like cold water refreshes us when we’re parched, the good news—especially the gospel—is a source of deep satisfaction. It hit me how vital and life-giving the gospel truly is.

That day, I rushed inside and went straight to the kitchen, desperate to quench my thirst. I glanced at the tap water, but I knew that it wouldn’t cut it—summer makes even the cold water warm. Next, I eyed some soda cans on the counter (don’t judge me, haha), but that wouldn’t be refreshing enough either. Then I spotted a pitcher of lemonade, but that still didn’t feel right. Finally, I opened the fridge and saw bottles of spring water on the door. I grabbed one, cracked it open, and as that cold water hit my lips, the relief washed over me. It was immediate, refreshing, satisfying, and even pleasurable. Nothing compares to the sensation of cold water when you're desperately thirsty.

That’s exactly how I feel about good news—especially the gospel. Today, we’re used to getting instant messages from friends or family, but it wasn’t always like that. I remember waiting for letters in the mail, and long-distance calls were expensive. In ancient times, news from afar took even longer to reach, and I imagine the joy and anticipation people felt when they finally received it. That’s how the gospel is for me. Hearing it for the first time was the greatest news of my life, and no matter how many times I hear it, it never loses its power or sweetness. It’s like cold water on a scorching day, always refreshing, always satisfying.

And I think of what the angels said: “I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” (Luke 2:10) That’s what the gospel is for me—good news that fills me with joy, time and time again.

I pray that you, too, will know what good news from afar feels like—the gospel message of Jesus Christ. May his living water quench your thirst and bring you the refreshment only He can give.

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