The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry. Psalm 34:15

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. James 5:16 NASB

Prayer Chamber Wall

As believers in Jesus Christ, we understand the power of prayer and the importance of seeking spiritual support in times of need. In the past, connecting with other believers and sharing our prayers and burdens required physical presence or costly long-distance calls. However, with the advent of technology and the internet, we can now communicate and connect with other believers from all over the world at no cost. We can join online prayer rooms, participate in virtual worship services, and share our intentions with our global faith community with just a few clicks. This newfound accessibility to spiritual support is truly a blessing, allowing us to draw strength and comfort from our faith even when physical distance separates us.

In this section, we invite you to share your prayer requests and join us in praying for our community members. We believe in the power of collective prayer and the strength that comes from supporting each other in faith. Whether you are seeking healing, guidance, or simply a sense of peace, we invite you to share your intentions with us. In turn, we encourage you to pray for others in our community, lifting up their needs and concerns to God. As we join together in prayer, we trust that our faith will be strengthened, and we will experience the transformative power of God's love and grace in our lives. #PRAYFORME #PRAYFOROTHERS

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1 year ago

Father God, I’m praying for the people affected by the war in Israel. Protect them , comfort them as only you can. Draw them to you that the salvation of Son Jesus Christ might be revealed. Let the gospel message pierce their hearts. Let your will be done and your name Glorified. In Christ Jesus name Amen

Carol R
Carol R
1 year ago

Please pray for the Bugg’s family during their time of bereavement

1 year ago

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your strength that encourages me each day. I pray that you encourage and comfort those who are going through hardship in this community of women who love you. I ask that you continue to prosper them in good health and sound minds. And for those who are suffering any infirmity in our bodies. We ask for you to touch us and heal us. Draw us closer to you and teach us your ways. In Christ Jesus Name. AMEN

1 year ago

Father God, we thank you for a new day, new mercies and your saving grace. Your name is high and lifted up above all names. The earth declares your glory. We do not have to see you to believe you are there watching over us and showing firth your great love toward us. That’s called faith. Just as we know the air is there for us to breathe with every breath we take. We know the wind blows because we feel it and see the evidence of it. We have heard and read the stories of your goodness and great mercy, and we have experienced the presence of your Holy Spirit leading and guiding us everyday. You saved me when I was a sinner and I know you will complete the work you have begun in me. I am yours and you are mine! Help me to stay in your narrow way and to keep my eyes focused on you, looking neither to the right or the left. I ask you to do the same for my family, my friends and our believing leaders. We need you LORD. Never before have we seen such deception, evil.permeates our culture and threatens our children. Protect them Lord and be near us! Never let us be plucked from your hand and keep us steadfast and unmovable always abounding in your word. Your word is a lamp unto your pathway. May we always walk in it. We thank you. We praise you. We give you all honor and glory because You deserve it! You Master, Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, Shepherd and LORD! We have no other God but You because you are a jealous God! In the precious and wonderful name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Reply to  Peggy
1 year ago

Thank you Lord for the reminders that were written for us through your scriptures, showing us your goodness, your tender mercies and your grace. Help me Father to bring Glory to you and your son Jesus Christ by displaying these same characteristics to others in my life. Amen

1 year ago

Lord, we Thank you for being abundantly gracious and merciful toward us. Help us to love one another as you commanded. Let us lift each other with words of encouragement and help us to be all that you called us to be. This we ask in Jesus name Amen. You are God our Helper.
~ Brenda Hicks

1 year ago

Father God please help us to keep living and walking in your narrow way. Deception is everywhere as this world grows darker and darker and evil is presented as the norm. We need you. I need you. I cannot do this in my own strength. Draw us close to you. Give us spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear. In Christ Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Lisa Jones
Lisa Jones
Reply to  Peggy
1 year ago

Father we need you. Help us from being deceived and being driven from your hands. Help us Holy Spirit.

Reply to  Peggy
1 year ago


Lisa Jones
Lisa Jones
Reply to  Exhortations For Today
1 year ago

Praying for a peaceful & restful sleep for you.. In Jesus Name.

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