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Amen and Again: Acknowledging Never Enough Thanks

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 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, [be] unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.  Revelation 7:12

Looking back on my life, it hits me—I haven't been as thankful as I should. I'm not just talking about appreciating the awesome people around me, but also giving God the gratitude He truly deserves. Going through the process of jotting down 23 days of thanksgiving has been a wake-up call, making me realize how short I've fallen in expressing gratitude. So, today, I'm making a conscious effort to keep thanksgiving front and center in my mind, recognizing how vital it is in my journey and worship.

Taking a dive into Revelation 7:12 unveils this incredible scene in heaven. Here you have the angels, elders, and these four living creatures bowing down before God on the throne, caught up in worship. What grabs my attention is the repetition of "Amen," kicking off and wrapping up this celestial praise. It's like these heavenly beings are shouting, "This is absolutely, without a doubt, true!" The first "Amen" is like a bold declaration, signaling that what comes next is the real deal. And you know what? It totally is! All those mind-blowing qualities—His power, wisdom, might, and all the praise He deserves, from blessings to honor, glory, and thanksgiving—belong to God, and they always will.

There's just not enough thanks to cover all the incredible things He's done, not just in my life but everywhere. And as the heavenly chorus finishes with another emphatic "Amen," it's not just an ending—it's a strong confirmation that these words aren't just said; they're deeply, unquestionably true.

In this season of thanksgiving, it is important to embrace forgiveness, find out how to do so here. 

Dear LORD,

I offer you blessings and honor, recognizing that you are truly worthy of all our praises and thanksgiving. My prayer is that not only my lips but also my heart may overflow with gratitude for all you have done and for who you are. Help me express thanks not just with words, but with a heart brimming with appreciation. May my gratitude be genuine and enduring.

In the name of Christ Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
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